I feel the need for change. It's warm! It's beautiful, it's hot.. I'm having a life overhaul. I like to see my goals. I feel calm and in control.
1) Be nut and dried fruit free.
2) be 100% low fat raw vegan.
3) expose my nude body to the sun as often as possible.
4) enjoy more sex (possible?!)
5) appreciate the people in my life more than I do.
6) continue improving in my arts.
7) meet more people, learn to love them.
8) self love; look after my nails, my hair, my skin, my eyes.. rub coconut oil after sunbathing.
9) smile!
10) use, and love the power and beauty of my youth.
11) Enjoy something inspirational each day!
12) Stretch. Improve my flexibility.
13) be more open. Trust. It won't hurt me.
14) Work!
15) Be kinder to my feet. =)
16) excercise, hard, at least 30minutes a day - hard sweat.
17) more water! Upwards of 6 litres.
18) Relax.. don't look so gaunt.
19) express myself.
20) reach my goal weight along with fitness, a tan, health and smile.
I'm 67kg as of today, AFTER 5 bananas in smoothie form and a litre of water.
AND I'm on my period.
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